Are you approaching the idea of your divorce with absolute dread? You’re not alone. After all, nobody likes to come to the realization that their marriage isn’t working. Nor do most people want to deal with all of the physical, financial and emotional challenges that come with a split.
But divorce isn’t all bad. In fact, once the divorce is over, you may end up happier than you ever thought possible thanks to these surprising benefits:
- You’re free to find someone who is better for you. Sometimes, two very good people just aren’t very good together. Divorce frees both you and your spouse to find someone whose way of being “clicks” better.
- Your parenting may improve. When parents are focused on their struggles with each other, there’s less energy and time for the kids. Getting a divorce may allow you and your spouse to set aside your differences and approach the child-rearing as a team.
- There’s a lot less stress to go around. When a marriage is unhappy, everybody in the household feels the stress — including the kids. A peaceful post-divorce co-parenting relationship with your ex is less traumatic for you, for them and for your kids than constant fighting.
- You have a chance to follow your passions. When you’re married, you make a lot of compromises. Some of those compromises may be preventing you from pursuing your dreams, whether that’s going back to school or opening a business. When you’re divorced, you don’t owe anybody else explanations or consideration.
- You get some time to yourself. Divorcing parents hate the idea of not being with their kids 100% of the time — but there are actually some benefits to getting a break. Co-parenting with your ex means that you’ll both have down-time without the responsibilities of parenthood. That can provide a much-needed refresher that gives you more time to relax or pursue your goals.
Changing your perspective really can change your world. Find out how divorce mediation can help you achieve a better post-marriage existence.